Monday, August 2, 2010

What does our classroom look like?

Below are some pictures of our classroom this year.  These were taken after the first day of kindergarten, so things are a little messy.  :) 

Here is our cubby area.  We store our resting mats in our cubbies.

Above the cubbies, Ms. Sharp stores learning games, and supplies.


In our reading center, Ms. Sharp has our books arranged by genres, authors, or characters.

Here is a view of our classroom from the cubby area.

This is our Town Hall carpet area.  In Town Hall, we meet to discuss class business, or it is also a learning carpet.

A view from the front of our room.

A view of our reading corner.  Bookshelves line this whole wall.

Another view of our bookshelves.

What a wonderful year we are going to have!

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